In large production converters, due to the stray inductance, the switching transient spike is usually beyond the voltage allowed by the device, which can destroy the converter. 在大功率风电变换器中,由于杂散电感的存在,器件在关断过程中往往会产生超出允许范围的瞬态尖峰值,从而导致其失效和损坏。
Through the theoretical analysis on fault record and after the check and test of protective device, the reason causing the stray voltage and the countermeasure are found. 通过对一个具体事故动作过程的分析,对保护装置的检查试验和对故障报告与程序的理论研究,找出了问题产生的原因以及应对办法。
In high-power Buck converters, the circuit is in high switching mode. Since the distributed stray parameters of the lead and non-ideal performance of the devices, very high voltage and/ or current spike appear on the switches, which reduced the reliability of the circuits. 在大功率Buck变换器中电路工作于高频开关状态,由于实际线路的寄生参数和器件的非理想特性的影响,开关器件两端会出现过高的电压和电流尖峰,严重地降低了电路的可靠性。
Thirdly, due to the presence of stray inductance switch voltage spike problem, using a simple RC snubber circuit, succeed reduced the voltage peak. 再次,针对杂散电感的存在引起开关管电压尖峰的问题,采用简单的RC缓冲电路,成功减小电压尖峰。
⑶ Analyze the impacts of stray capacitances on detection circuit and choose a capacitance/ voltage ( c/ v) converting circuit which is anti-stray capacitances circuit. ⑶分析杂散电容对检测电路的影响,最终选择一种抗杂散电容的电容电压转换电路。